Crystalline Heart Activation
Crystalline Heart Activation
this was a shock as I had been avoiding going anywherenear it and suddenly I heard myself asking if I could take it for a bath! Lifecan change that quickly.
6 years ago I was blessed to be given my own healing the only down sidewas it didn’t come with a manual and it was up to me and some wonderfulvolunteers to discover what waving my hands around people was all about.
Now I can say I help to remove blocks, clear attachments, work on thecrystalline body and even connect people back to their home planet.....allweird wonderful and so much fun.
The Crystalline Heart Activation started off as passing on how crystalswished to work through workshops and helping people to clear them quickly.As we continual our journeys we become beacons of light to assist others ontheir journey.
Much of the fun of this workshop is clearing our emotional baggage, we havehad for eons of lives where we have tried to hide our emotions and it is timeto bring them up to release them with grace and ease. Life is not meant tobe a struggle and as we start to recall the game we came here to play welearn to step back from the drama that surrounds us and stay within thebeauty of our heart.
Our Crystalline Heart is a wonderful gift which sits just in front and above ourhigher heart. It is iridescent and beautiful light energy.At the end of the workshop any crystals you bring will go home sparkling andfeeling lighter and ready to assist you. You will also be able to clear your owncrystals to this frequency and never require to worry again what is the bestway to clear which crystal. The crystal collective also pass on theirknowledge as to how they wish to work.
As you start to work from your Crystalline heart you step into the higherdimensions where the world starts to open up to more possibilities, whereyou healing and perception changes.
Why don't you come and join the next Crystalline Heart Activation in Shrewsbury on 9th July? More details of the workshop can be found on the Centre Events Pageor you can contact workshop facilitator Ann Miller below
Call 01343 820352 or 07547 467646
About the Centre
The Centre for Integral Health was started in 2013 by director Ben Calder after studying Integral theory since 2011 and over 10 years of professional practice of kinesiology and Bowen fascia Release Technique, coupled with the desire to explore the application of the Integral Model in relation to health.
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