Blog/News: Page 13

At Centre for Integral Health, we can offer you a wide range of ways to look at both health improvement and illness prevention, we have a wide range of both services and experienced practitioners who can help you be the best you can be for for life

At Centre for Integral health we can take the headache out of finding the right therapist to support you with your journey to health

In her latest blog, kinesiologist and EMMETT practitioner looks at the detrimental effects of mercury in this first of a five part series of how it effects us.

Listen to my podcast interview with Hypnotherapist Rob Chapman on how we're not broken and what possibilities hypnosis can create for all forms of self development

Take an opportunity to listen back to the new interview with Acupuncturist and medical herbalist Amanda Bedding as she discusses some classic questions about acupuncture, how it can be used and it importance as an integral approach to health and well being.

Kinesiologist and EMMETT Practitioner Maria Franklin talks about the importance of Boron and other minerals for better bones and joyful healthy joints

Acupuncture and naturopathic Nutrition lecturer and fertility specialist Amanda Bedding talks about the menopause, the changes it brings and how complementary approaches can make the transitions easier for you

Shrewsbury nutritionist Kate Bevan Wood talks about her new series of Tea & Chat drop in nutrition sessions starting at Centre for Integral Health starting February 2019
About the Centre
The Centre for Integral Health was started in 2013 by director Ben Calder after studying Integral theory since 2011 and over 10 years of professional practice of kinesiology and Bowen fascia Release Technique, coupled with the desire to explore the application of the Integral Model in relation to health.
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